The third entry into our catalogue is provided by our very dear Traumer. The Frenchman has proven himself a true force in the electronic music community, seamlessly weaving his distinct sonic designs into memorable, ageless rhythms. His latest offering follows a prolific run of singleminded records, each one further developing on the minimal house theme he is laid out for himself. This EP features a condensation of those findings.
Starting things off with ‘Diplo’, a lean groove working the very long hours, we are introduced to a fresh set of tracks balancing the serviceable with the elusive. With its loose arrangement of organic sounds and a hazy feel, ‘Douce’ is tripped house mix makes good on its promise. Find the deeper rotations on the flipside, where ‘Prima’ and ‘Plastica’ both explore the heady mindset to their fullest.
A1 – Diplo
A2 – Douce (Tripped House Mix)
B1 – Prima
B2 – Plastica